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Posted by Jacob O'Connor on 7th Feb 2013

Mango Lounge is a popular spot for Saturday functions, an opportunity if you like to explore the bar on a more personal level and have the run of the place (well mostly). A function means a special occasion normally or an excuse to get friends and family together, throw the odd speech in, organise a fatagram or weird game or two…to dress up as zombies, nurses, doctors, an AFL player or just dress nice… A function means someone is paying or you are helping with the paying or doing the paying or rewarding a team for a job well done… A function can be many things however a Mango function is class, fun & most of all… All about you! Last week we had the pleasure of hosting Murray to celebrate his 50th year, a young man Murray was blessed with family & friends in attendance! They dressed the bar in a Hawaiian theme and danced the night away to DJ Jeff! Murray held his Christmas Party at Mango also late last year with Gavin running the show brilliantly so a repeat offender…Yes.. But we love Murray and he can return when ever he pleases with his pleasure for Queensland gold Bundaberg and fantastic mates. Think about your next opportunity to celebrate your special Occasion. Supported by smiling willing to party staff and Make Mango your home for the night! Oh to add, great work on the catering Murray, the food was Spectacular, although I did not indulge as duty called well done mate. Essendon Football club in trouble with the doctors at present is a low for this week but I am sure with some enhanced training they will get through it. Ciao
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